
On My Desk...

My desk is going to look pretty bare for the next bit. While coming back from Calgary I was late getting to my plane, it left at 6:20- I got to the airport at 6:05. So all my luggage that was suppose to be checked because it has 'dangerous goods' had to come on board. That means all my cosmetics were confiscated (because we all know that Giovanni Organic Shampoo & Conditioner might actually be a bomb!) Besides my pretty-products they took all my jewelry tools. All of them. Needlenose, flatnose, cutters, wire straightener, crimper, roundnose... gone. And it'll cost me over $200 to replace everything. I got a great deal on them since I was working at Beadworld when I bought them, but now I don't and will have to pay full price.

I know they're 'just things' that can be replaced, but I sure can't afford to replace them anytime soon.

Calgary's Airport stole my creativity.


oh Jen, that's really terrible! :( Big hugs!

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