
Poop is Inspiring...

So I know this blog is suppose to be more about green living, crafty, DIY fun...but there are exciting big picture solutions out there that I need to share. Big picture solutions are inspiring to me. Solutions using poop. We live in an global world facing unprecedented changes in climate and we need to work together to solve them! And everyone poops. Let's use it.

This is a 25 minute video of a presentation by Stephen Salter, a Professional Engineer, who is a part of the Integrated Resource Recovery Team who prepared a report for the Province of BC using the Capital Regional District (13 municipalities on Southern Vancouver Island) as a case study for resource recovery. It's based off real examples from Sweden.

Oh yea. The background on poop and Victoria? We dump it straight into the ocean. Some see it as a problem. Other not. The fact is that it's a wasted resource.

Video from [here]

After you watch the clip, you'll see it's about more than just poop (but that's the best part). It's about being smarter with how we deal with waste. It takes so much energy to do things like grow food and heat homes. But what if we could take the left over energy from the food, use the compost to create energy, and use that to heat our homes. Kinda makes sense, eh?

OooOh! And on that 'eh?' note: HAPPY CANADA DAY!


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